Program Goals

Participation in athletics provides youth with the opportunity for personal growth. Teamwork, the mental and physical challenges of training and competition, and the experience of winning and losing graciously and respectfully are important life lessons that will serve athletes well into the future.

Character is an important component that requires time and effort. Coaches and parents can help students develop character by discussing, modeling, and reinforcing the desired attitudes and beliefs over time. We understand that participation on this team demands a commitment that involves both dedication and consistency, which is required of not only athletes, but also of coaches and parents.

Youth participate in athletics for several reasons such as health, personal improvement, and the privilege and opportunity to compete. Therefore, as an organization, we seek to maintain the following:

  • Provide athletes a safe and enjoyable experience.
  • Present the greatest possible opportunity for athletes to participate in both practice and competitions.
  • Promote personal improvement in skills and technique, physical conditioning, and knowledge of the sport, and promote programs of excellence that lead to success on and off the track.

Silverback Track Club coaches are leaders, dedicated to more than just training and competition, and as such, we seek to:

  • Exemplify the highest character as a role model for young people.
  • Recognize the individual worth and reinforce the self-image of each team member.
  • Establish a realistic team goal and vision for each season and communicate that to the athletes and parents.
  • Encourage and assist team members to set personal goals to achieve their highest potential.
  • Create a set of training rules for athletes that reflect health and wellness.
  • Strive to develop the qualities of competence, character, and civility in each team member.
  • Provide a safe, challenging, and encouraging environment for practice and competition.
  • Gain an awareness of the importance of prevention, care, and treatment of athletic injuries.
  • Respect the integrity and judgment of other coaches and the track officials.
  • Teach and abide by the rules of the game in letter and in spirit.
  • Build and maintain ethical relationships with coaches, athletes, and parents.
  • Strive for excellence in coaching skills and techniques through professional improvement.
  • Promote personal fitness and good nutrition.
  • Teach winning with grace and humility and losing with dignity and honor. 

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